2023 12.16
Digital / Casette
Jared Carrigan plays synthesizer and sampler.
Yuya Oguma plays bass guitar with effects.
Zefan Sramek plays synthesizer with looper and effects.
Recorded at Forestlimit in Hatagaya, Tokyo
Mastered by Taku Unami
Cover image generated using the pattern generation software “Pré-Colombiano #1” by Andrei Thomaz, based on a pattern found in a pre-Columbian textile from Inca culture, Peru
Layout designed by Graphic Potato
Released by ato.archives
ata 003
I bathe in the lake and walk through the forest in the rain. Sleeping outdoors, I feel as though I’m closer to the Earth. How do we maintain connection with each other? How do we communicate in ways that transcend language? I often reflect that so many of us are trapped in our own cultures and contexts. As a species, we have collapsed physical distance. And yet psychological distance, cultural distance remains. To understand the world, we instinctively reduce its complexity in our minds. We organize and categorize. How quick we are to reduce the complexity of others as well. Everyone has their own sacred places, lost memories, persistent hopes. Why do we have such trouble recognizing these in others? And why is it so difficult to express our own? I travel across the land, by foot and by train. Perhaps by covering some distance, by coming in physical contact with others, I can somehow reduce the real distance between us. And yet, this is but a hope.
Zefan Sramek
Myoko Kogen, September 15th, 2023