2024 10.18
Digital / Casette
Recorded in Sendai, Japan
Produced by a0n0
Mastering: Taku Unami
Coverphoto collage:Yengo
Layout design:LOID
Text on the tape sleeve:a0n0
Special thanks to Zefan Sramek
Released by ato.archives
ata 008
a0n0 is an electronic musician and a member of the fluid collective “時の崖_tokinogake”. His music blends sharp, provocative noise that pushes the limits of audio equipment and hearing, with sequences of sound that are both mellow and lyrical, creating a fresh and stimulating auditory experience. This latest piece is rooted in an improvised performance on a modular synthesizer. It stands out as a unique work, featuring a simple yet multi-layered soundscape where different moments of improvisation intersect with the performer’s physicality and emotional shifts.

Photographs by 湯川静