2024 10.18
Digital / Casette
All songs composed by Yengo
Digital Piano (#1) by Lennon Mori
Electric Guitar (#8) by Naoya Matsuda
Mastering by Taku Unami
Coverphoto collage:Yengo
Layout design:LOID
Text on the tape sleeve:Yengo
Special thanks to Zefan Sramek
Released by ato.archives
ata 009
Yengo is an artist recognized for creating experimental sound pieces, including live performances that arrange sound in an installation-like fashion and compositions that heavily feature the repetition of a single motif.
Yengo’s debut release on ato.archives, titled Unaesthetic Harmony, is accompanied by the artist’s own commentary included with the tape for those seeking a deeper understanding. This work, influenced by Vaporwave, internet culture, and similar methodologies and aesthetics, explores the unsettling beauty and eerie comfort that arise from the clash of contrasting elements. Instead of merging the sounds into a cohesive whole, the piece embraces a nuanced ambiguity, where the elements collide, endlessly fragment, yet coexist.
詳しくはテープに掲載されたアーティスト自身の解説を参照いただく必要がありますが 、ato.archivesからリリースされるデビュー作品は『Unaesthetic Harmony』と題されており、この作品はVaporwaveやインターネットカルチャーの方法論・美学に影響を受けつつ、異質な要素がぶつかる事で醸し出される違和感がある美しさ、不気味な心地良さを探求した作品であると言えます。そこでは、音のそれぞれの要素・部分が曲の全体性に統合されていくのではなく、それぞれが互いに軋轢を起こし無限に分裂しつつも共存しているような多義的なニュアンスが表現されています。